Public education materials: infographics and factsheets

How tobacco affects South Africa

final WNTD poster

Tobacco industry interference


Tobacco hinders development

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Africa tobacco by numbers


 infographic-women-children who

infographic-economic-impact who

infographic-environment who

Africa: Tobacco Industry Interference Index 2020

Afrique : Indice d'interférence de l'industrie du tabac 2020

SA's Tobacco Control Policy Implementation

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Are E-cigarettes effective in helping smokers quit tobacco use?

Les cigarettes electroniques sont-elles efficaces pour aider les femeurs a cesser de fumer?

Understanding the 'who', 'why', and 'what' behind smoking cessation behavior among South African smokers

Comprendre qui, pourquoi et quoi est derriere le comportement de renoncemnet au tabac chez les fumeurs sud- africains