Public Educational Materials
Public educational materials are critical in helping ordinary citizens and policymakers understand the importance of tobacco control and the dangers of interference from the tobacco industry. The following materials, which are regularly updated, can be downloaded and used as part of campaigns and advocacy.
Non-smoker’ exposure to secondhand smoke in South Africa
Corporate social responsibility by tobacco companies: the need to for complete bans on tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship in Africa
Are E-cigarettes effective in helping smokers quit tobacco use?
Understanding the 'who', 'why', and 'what' behind smoking cessation behavior among South African smokers
Africa: Tobacco industry interference index 2020
Africa: Tobacco industry interference index 2020
Global tobacco Interference: African Region
Tobacco kills 1 in very 2 users
Rick of tobacco induced diseases
Risk of second hand smoke
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Exposition des non-fumeurs a la fumee de tabac ambiante en Afique du sud/ Tabagisme passif
Responsabilite sociale des entreprises par les societies del’Industrie du tabac: la nécessité d’interdire totalement la publicité, la promotion et le parrainage du tabac en Afrique
Les cigarettes electroniques sont-elles efficaces pour aider les fumeurs a cessor de fumer?
Comprendre qui, pourquoi et quoi est derriere le comportement de renoncemnet au tabac chez les fumeurs sud- africains
Afrique: Indice d’interference de l’industrie du tabac 2020
Afrique: Indice d’interference de l’industrie du tabac 2020
Promoting Healthier Choices: Encouraging Young people to Transition from Vape Shops to Fruit and Veg Shops
Contributing to healthier populations, wealthier budgets, and a more prosperous economy with e-cigarette taxation
How e-cigarette companies are targeting youth in South Africa with promotional activities and how the new tobacco control bill can help
Contribuer a une population plus saine, a des budgets plus nantis et a une economie plus prospere grace a la taxation des cigarettes electroniques
Comment les fabricants de cigarettes electroniques ciblent les jeunes en Afrique du Sud par des activites promotionnelles et comment le nouveau projet de loi sur la lutte antitabac peut aider a cet effet