
The Africa Centre for Tobacco Industry Monitoring and Policy Research (ATIM) provides an overview of tobacco control and public health, with a particular focus on the role of the tobacco industry. The making of ATIM was funded by The Union and the Framework Convention Secretariat. These funders have had no input into the research or its conclusions. They are not responsible for any content on or the publication of the website, and they do not necessarily endorse any of it.

Bien que nous travaillions selon des normes rigoureuses, ni l'ATIM ni l'Université des sciences de la santé Sefako Makgatho ne s'engagent à ce que toute partie de ce site soit exacte, complète ou à jour. Vous utilisez ce site à vos propres risques et à titre indicatif uniquement.

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Droit de réponse

ATIM relies on contributions from third parties to provide information and data in good faith. All content is monitored by the managing editors. There is a Right of Reply procedure to complain about information considered to be misrepresenting any person or organisation at this website. Let us know exactly which information on ATIM you believe is not factually correct, and explain the potential errors it contains. Please email with as much detail, references and supporting material as possible to:

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The managing editors of ATIM might ask for additional information and proof. We will also invite the relevant contributing editors to substantiate their original claim(s).