Associations between electronic cigarette use and quitting behaviours among South African adult smokers

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  • Create Date April 12, 2021

Agaku, I., Egbe, C.O. and Ayo-Yusuf, O.A., 2021.

E-cigarettes have been widely touted as cessation aids in South Africa, yet this has not been demonstrated empirically. This study investigated the relationship between e-cigarette use and its association to smoking cessation among South African adults. The study compared varying intensities of e-cigarette use, from never users to regular users; the outcomes were quitting smoking at less than 1 month, up to 6 months, and up to 12 months. Relapse, defined as restarting smoking behavior after having quit for any length of time, was also assessed. Data came from a large national survey of 18 208 South African adults.